City Council

Bledsoe may enter District 7 council race

It looks like the field running for the District 7 Austin City Council seat is about to get a new—and far different kind of...

Video: Laine challenges incumbent Kelly for District 6

Krista Laine, a Democrat, on May 19th kicked off her campaign to unseat District 6 Council Member Mackenzie Kelly, a Republican. Bulldog videographer Erik Mauck was...

Court halts $354 million development subsidy

A Travis County court issued a ruling to halt the use of future property taxes to subsidize luxury development of 118 acres of land...

Austin City Manager: Dallas discard vs Austin retread

Council members make policy. The city manager’s job is to implement those policies. A great city manager can get that done and keep the ship...

They’re off and running for council

As in horse racing, the bugler has sounded, “Call to the Post” for the Austin City Council campaigns that are now officially underway. A well...

Are tax subsidies for luxury development legal?

In a lawsuit filed last April plaintiffs sought a permanent injunction to prevent the City of Austin from diverting $354 million in future property...

District 10 Council candidates jump in early

With 2024 being a presidential election year—maybe a rerun of the 2020 election between Joe Biden and Donald Trump—we should be expecting record-breaking turnout...

Latest zoning changes may trigger new litigation

District Judge Jessica Mangrum has driven another nail into the City of Austin’s defense of three zoning ordinances. (Cause No. D-1-GN-19-008617, Acuna v. City...