Travis Central Appraisal District

Democrats sweep TCAD board election

There is no such thing as a nonpartisan election in Travis County, TexasSure, sure, I know. Elections in Travis County for city councils, school...

First-ever opportunity to elect appraisal board members

Right now local voters are of course focused on the Super Tuesday primary elections of March 5th, but another election two months later should...

Trust, but verify

We would like to think people in our nation’s highest offices adhere to the highest ethical principles.Yet recent news reports have exposed U.S. Supreme...

Appraisal Records Hidden From Public View

Nearly 1,400 records of properties located in Travis County have been purged from the website for owners who do not qualify for confidentiality. While the numbers of records being suppressed now make up only a tiny fraction of the records maintained by the agency, the numbers would no doubt be far higher if more property owners were aware of this option.

Are Austin’s Property Taxes Fair and Equitable?

There's growing controversy over whether commercial properties are being undervalued and unfairly shifting too much of the property tax burden onto homeowners.