Travis Central Appraisal District

Democrats sweep TCAD board election

There is no such thing as a nonpartisan election in Travis County, TexasSure, sure, I know. Elections in Travis County for city councils, school...

First-ever opportunity to elect appraisal board members

Right now local voters are of course focused on the Super Tuesday primary elections of March 5th, but another election two months later should...

Trust, but verify

We would like to think people in our nation’s highest offices adhere to the highest ethical principles.Yet recent news reports have exposed U.S. Supreme...

TCAD to ABoR: thanks but no thanks

This story was significantly updated at 7:48pm Thursday February 27, 2020, to insert statements by TCAD Chief Appraiser Marya Crigler and Bexar CAD Chief...

School districts blast appraisal district

Not reappraising residential properties in 2020 will cause major problems for school districtsTom Leonard, superintendent of Eanes Independent School District, addressed the TCAD board...

Judge undercuts chief appraiser’s authority

Updated 11:05am February 18, 2020, to add a statement attributed to the chief appraiser. Court order means chief appraiser must seek board approval for each...

Travis two-step a dance property owners won’t enjoy

Face-to-face property value protests will be called “informal conferences” and property owners may wait two weeks to find out if TCAD lowered the value After...

TCAD board still debating 2020 protest process

Face-to-face meetings with staff appraisers likely but procedures in flux Updated 10:35am January 17, 2020, to add link to audio file of January 13, 2020,...