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Plaintiffs request to appeal denied in Central Health lawsuit

The lawsuit that seeks to stop Central Health from transferring $35 million a year to the University of Texas for Dell Medical School was obstructed by Judge Amy Clark Meacham’s ruling of May 21st. (Birch et al v. Central Health...

Video: Laine challenges incumbent Kelly for District 6

Krista Laine, a Democrat, on May 19th kicked off her campaign to unseat District 6 Council Member Mackenzie Kelly, a Republican. Bulldog videographer Erik Mauck was there to record the event.While council elections are technically nonpartisan, party politics are important in...

Latest articles

No checkmate in Central Health litigation

District Judge Amy Clark Meacham, in a May 21st letter, asked attorneys for both sides to prepare additional proposed orders in the lawsuit that...

Video: Lawsuit could halt Central Health’s $35 million a year in transfers to UT Dell Medical School

Last Friday we published a lengthy story about the hearing conducted by District Judge Amy Clark Meacham. Her decision, based on the evidence presented...

Lawsuit could halt Central Health’s $35 million a year transfers to UT Dell Medical School

District Judge Amy Clark Meacham will decide—based on a two-hour hearing held in her court Thursday—whether Central Health can continue transferring $35 million of...

Democrats sweep TCAD board election

There is no such thing as a nonpartisan election in Travis County, TexasSure, sure, I know. Elections in Travis County for city councils, school...

Profile: Doug Greco for mayor

Douglas Jeffrey Greco, 53, is one of four candidates (so far) who’s campaigning to be Austin’s mayor in 2025.Greco trying to unseat incumbent Mayor...

Investigative Reports

For more than a decade the Bulldog has published hard-hitting, in-depth investigative reports that have shaped civic discourse and public policy, resulted in criminal prosecutions, and enlightened voters about candidates' records. Here are a few samples of our work:

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The Austin Bulldog is the premiere investigative journalism outfit in Central Texas. Established in 2009, the Bulldog has become a trusted independent voice for government accountability, known for its incisive, in-depth coverage of local elections and local governments.


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Ken Martin

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Areas of Coverage

Video: Laine challenges incumbent Kelly for District 6

Krista Laine, a Democrat, on May 19th kicked off her...

Court halts $354 million development subsidy

A Travis County court issued a ruling to halt...

Austin City Manager: Dallas discard vs Austin retread

Council members make policy. The city manager’s job is...

Lame duck council set to vote on 20-year sweetheart tax deal for developer

With just weeks to go in his term, Mayor...

Environmentalists assail plan for lakeside high rises

New development to reshape South Central Waterfront When former First Lady...

Urbanists vie to replace council member Kathie Tovo

Updated 2:30pm August 20, 2022, to correct the misattribution...

Video: Laine challenges incumbent Kelly for District 6

Krista Laine, a Democrat, on May 19th kicked off her...

Democrats sweep TCAD board election

There is no such thing as a nonpartisan election...

Profile: Doug Greco for mayor

Douglas Jeffrey Greco, 53, is one of four candidates...

Plaintiffs request to appeal denied in Central Health lawsuit

The lawsuit that seeks to stop Central Health from...

No checkmate in Central Health litigation

District Judge Amy Clark Meacham, in a May 21st...

Video: Lawsuit could halt Central Health’s $35 million a year in transfers to UT Dell Medical School

Last Friday we published a lengthy story about the...

Democrats sweep TCAD board election

There is no such thing as a nonpartisan election...

First-ever opportunity to elect appraisal board members

Right now local voters are of course focused on...

Trust, but verify

We would like to think people in our nation’s...

Project Connect

Lawmakers weigh axing Project Connect’s ‘blank check’ loophole

At a hearing at the legislature, critics and supporters of Project Connect clashed over a proposal to rein in the newly created transit agency.

Project Connect scope drastically scaled back

Two factors have sparked renewed debate around the cost...

Austin Transit Partnership gears up for key decisions on light rail design

Billions of dollars to be spent on mass transit...

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